Christine & ESG for In-House counsel

Christine Uri  is a Chief Legal Officer, Sustainability Officer at ENGIE Impact.

What makes Christine so special is that she joined the program 18 months after she started posting content on LinkedIn. 

She was far from being new to the platform and had already built a following. 

At this point you may be wondering what the value of Visual Content could be for someone who is not a LinkedIn newbie. 

Read on to find out.

Christine Uri Chief Legal Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer at ENGIE Impact

The Challenges

Before joining the Visual Legal Content Mastery, Christine:

  • Had started to use LinkedIn for 18 months

  • Was posting two types of content: general in-house legal thought leadership and sustainability related content

  • Struggled with picking a battle. There was an imbalance between the traction from her in-house posts and her sustainability posts (that seemed to generate less interest) 

  • Felt conflicted in her focus. Should she keep doing both or just double down on one?

  • Saw her main challenge as keeping developing an audience whilst having two niches that did not seem quite related at first


Christine’s sustainability posts before joining the program


Christine’s sustainability posts before joining the program


Christine’s sustainability posts before joining the program

Christine’s goals when deciding to join

  • Christine wanted to create valuable content and continue building her brand in the field of ESG

  • Generate more public speaking opportunities 

  • Broaden the horizons in terms of next career steps. Corporates can be vulnerable places to be and executives are let go of easily 

  • Monetise her expertise

The Program


Defining the niche and strategy

Whilst Christine was creating content on general in-house thought leadership and sustainability, it occurred to me that she missed a very important part of what made her profile so unique.  

There are lots of sustainability leaders and GCs out there. But very few would have the dual expertise that Christine has.

Being both a Chief Legal Officer and a Chief Sustainability Officer put her in an incredible position to carve out her profile and standout.

Her superpower was being at the forefront of legal and ESG, in an era where increasing attention and regulations around ESG are coming.

So we divided the niche into two content pillars:

  • ESG for In-House Counsel

    • The objective here was to raise awareness about getting ESG ready as an in-house leader.

      The idea was that ESG is eventually going to become the next big regulatory hit after Data Protection

  • General In-house Legal

    • General thought leadership about being a CLO and tips to succeed as a CLO.

    • We kept it so that Christine could continue building her profile with in-house counsels who may not yet be ‘aware’ of ESG but will eventually have to be in the future.


Getting started

Christine did not start with sustainability for in-house counsel right away, she was nervous that it would become way too niche and that she’d lose all the momentum she had built over the last 18 months.  

So her first visual posts was about sustainability, which did not bring the best traction.

Christine’s first visual post after joining the program


The shift to ESG for In-House Counsel: a new focus and signature content

As soon as Christine started to post about ESG for an in-house population in week 3 of the program, the traction started to show. Her first post gave her the confidence to keep going and double down on this type of content.

Christine is delighted to land her first clients within weeks of the program.


An exponential growth in engagement after month 1

Because of all the work she had done prior to joining the program on LinkedIn, the impact caused by the shift in her niche and her new focus pretty much showed instantly. 

Within a month, Christine’s posts on ESG for In-house counsel exponentially reached more people and attracted a more engaged and curious audience: in-house counsels wanted to learn more about ESG and how it may impact them. 

Her ESG for in-house posts quickly became her most popular content. She posted a roadmap for ESG readiness for In-House Counsel, which her audience engaged with the most. her new niche


Christine’s most popular piece of content in her new niche

Christine’s success and transformation story

By the end of the program (3 months) Christine: 

  • Reached her 8K following target in just 2 months 

  • Found a niche reflective of her unique position in the market 

  • Doubled her engagement on her ESG posts 

  • No longer felt conflicted about her focus and even dropped her general in-house counsel content for the benefit of a more unique value proposition

  • She started the program in November 2022 with 7,5K followers. Her audience reached 10K in 6 months (April 2023)

Christine is an example of visionary legal executives who are making the most out of their expertise to build a public profile and ultimately build options for their career.

By refocusing her niche, she showed that you do not need a mature market or big audience to grow a profile. By serving a micro-niche, you attract more of the right people.  

Christine’s full review about the program 

“It was amazing, a turning point. Incredible value and doubled engagement in 60 days”.

If you read my resume, you would not find yourself thinking “she would be great on social media”. I am a lawyer and an executive. Most people with my background either do not post at all or post only for the company.

I did not make posting on social media a full-time job, I did not hire someone to write content for me. I did not get “lucky” with a viral post.

I did not choose a subject with a big audience. With social media I grew bolder, I wanted to grow an audience faster and reach more people.

Yet my worst performing posts were on sustainability - what I thought as my niche. I was hesitant to lean more into my worst performing posts.

I had the opportunity to join one of Sarah’s Visual Legal Content Mastery coaching program and it was amazing. This was the turning point.

I decided to focus on my unique value proposition. I am a General counsel who knows how to implement ESG at a practical level.

By committing myself to posting visual tools and advice for GCs to implement ESG programs for 3 months, my ESG posts became my best performers.

Sarah provides an incredible amount of value to all of her students. When I started the program, I had been posting for 18 months. With Sarah’s guidance, I doubled my LinkedIn engagement in 60 days.

In addition to the visual skills, Sarah helped me develop my social media brand and strategy that supported my short and long term goals. I could not recommend her more highly.

I have learnt so much from Sarah, and my growth on LinkedIn has exponentially grown.
— Christine Uri, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer

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