Sara & Legal Ops

Sara Ajmi is a legal operations specialist and consultant based in Canada.

In a previous life, she worked as an in-house counsel in Morocco before moving to Canada. She first considered requalifying as a lawyer but then realized that she was no longer fueled by pursuing a traditional legal career.  

She however loved the process side of running a legal department. And in the process of evaluating her options in Canada, she came across legal operations. 

It was the light bulb moment for her and the signs of taking her legal career to a new direction. 

Sara is starting a new legal career in a green territory. Legal Operations have not yet reached a maturity level especially not in Canada. 

Sara spotted an opportunity to become one of the first thought leaders in legal operations in Canada to spread knowledge, best practices and begin a community of legal ops leaders. 


Sara is truly passionate about legal operations and has burning desire to make a difference in this evolving space.

She is a goldmine of knowledge, deeply researches all the topics, religiously consumes all the legal ops related resources and is part of a lot of communities. 

And for those of you ‘not having the time’. 

Sara worked full time, has a 4-year old girl and was PREGNANT at the time she joined.

So I just want you all to keep this in mind when reading this success story. 

Sara Ajmi, Legal Operations Specialist

What was stopping Sara from posting

Before joining, Sara:

  • Consumed a lot of content on LinkedIn but felt overwhelmed with starting something of her own.

  • Wanted to start using LinkedIn but did not have a framework to start posting consistently.

  • Needed accountability in order to start doing and not give up early.

  • Was concerned about people’s opinions in her network when she started to post.

  • Needed direction in terms of what to post, what types of topics, and what type of content could work in her niche.

Sara’s goals on LinkedIn

  • Become a go-to person for legal operations and be a step ahead for when legal operations become mainstream.

  • Be recognised as a legal ops thought leader and be invited to contribute to legal ops related discussions,

  • Change the perspective and perception of how legal operations are perceived and educate the community. 

  • Continue exploring career opportunities as a legal ops leader.


Defining the niche and strategy

We defined the niche and content strategy that Sara planned to focus on as part of the program.

We divided the niche into three angles of execution:

  • Legal Ops Education 

    • Raising awareness about what legal operations are, and what they are not (i.e a modern paralegal)

  • Legal Ops Strategy for In-House Legal Teams

    • Educate in-house legal teams on how legal operations can help them run their legal departments more efficiently.


An undeniable strong start on LinkedIn

Sara benefits from being a niche that is extremely active on LinkedIn.

What I call the ‘legal innovation sphere’ that merges forward thinking in-house counsels, legal tech, and ops professionals. 

She needed the framework and let go of the fear of failure or people’s judgment. But as soon as she started, she instantly got traction when she shared useful legal ops resources. 

This alone allowed her to gain tremendous traction within the first two weeks of the program. 

Sara’s most popular post within 2 weeks of posting


Impressive early results

Within 2 weeks of joining, Sara got her first podcast invite

Within 6 weeks, Sara had: 

  • 2 podcast invites to talk about legal ops and received an invitation to contribute to a very popular legal ops blog- Brightflag.

  • Gained 475 followers in 6 weeks (or 65 people a week, all qualified in-house folks)

  • Realized she was becoming a reference for legal ops as she saw more and more people tagging her and mentioning her in conversations. 

  • Confirmed her assumptions about the need for more legal ops education and a potential market opportunity.


Mind-blowing results

By the end of the program, Sara achieved her objectives of becoming a prolific reference in legal ops:

  1. Secured her first paid speaking engagement 

  2. Landed her first paid e-book contribution 

  3. Spoke in 3 podcasts about legal operations and multiple events

  4. Grown her audience by 100% in a qualified niche (people from legal ops consultancies, people from Big 4, General Counsels, and In-House)

  5. More confident in her ability to influence and build a community around legal ops 

  6. Identified a potential micro-niche and market (transitioning to a legal ops role).

Sara was not just productive and put in the work - she was also pregnant and became the happy mum of a baby boy soon after finishing the program. 

Her dedication and work ethic is a reminder that you do not need the perfect time to get going. 

You need to put yourself first and take actions - no matter the circumstances. 

Sara’s full review on the program 


I was following Sarah on LI for a year and saw how she developed a strong online presence on LinkedIn and how some of clients transformed their LinkedIn game.

This is exactly what made me enrol. It was a life-changing step for me.

From the first few weeks, I moved from being a LinkedIn content consumer to a LinkedIn content creator, whilst:

- Improving my visual legal content creation skills
- Growing my visibility and authority
- Developing a thought leadership status to be a reference in my industry: Legal Ops.

This helped me as a result generate leads (invitations to speaking opportunities, collaborations, etc.)

Sarah helped me build the right content strategy that is aligned with my niche and objectives.

She helped me reorient my focus on the things that really matter in this field and debunk many of the myths we used to have as non-content creators.

She is so generous with her time both during and out of the live sessions: it happened many times to answer our questions even at 3am.

She is so supportive and positive. Many times she helped me to shift my mindset and see the good in every situation.

When she creates something new, she does not hesitate to share it with us.

She is also so inspiring as she shares her ups and downs and shows her wins.

She is very human and shows she is just like all of us.

Her program community is so supportive - both fellow clients from the previous cohort support and clients from the current one.

Not to forget that she is so flexible and understanding. She created an exceptional payment plan so I could enrol in her program and not miss the opportunity.

Thank you so much Sarah for everything you are doing as part of your program. I am so happy I was part of it and met the genuine woman at the top of it.

If any of you want to up their LinkedIn game, please don’t miss out Sarah’s program. She is the one you need!
— Sara Ajmi, Legal Ops Specialist

Inspired? Get in touch today to get started!


Christine & ESG for In-House counsel