Rina Sond  is an IP solicitor based in the UK. 

She had left a successful partnership in a law firm a few months before joining the program.

She wanted to start her own entrepreneurial journey and build her own revenue stream doing what she loves: helping innovative business owners maximise the value of their IP.

For that, she wanted to start using LinkedIn as a way to grow her own client base from scratch.

Rina Sond. IP Solicitor and Consultant

The Challenges

Before joining, Rina:

  • Never used LinkedIn other than for posting new career updates

  • Wanted to start using LinkedIn but did not have a framework to start posting consistently

  • Needed accountability in order to start doing and not give up early

  • Was concerned about people’s opinions in her network when she started to post

  • Did not know how to attract her ideal clients on LinkedIn, what content to post, and how 

Rina’s business goals when deciding to join

  • Get a solo practice up and running and generate her first clients since leaving partnership

  • Focus her practice on delivering value with IP, rather than being a commercial lawyer who happens to do a bit of IP work. 

  • She wanted to start attracting innovative businesses and needed a strategy for it

The Program


Defining the niche and strategy

We defined the niche and content strategy that Rina was going to focus on as part of the program.

We divided the niche into three angles of execution:

  • IP Audit Content

    • The objective here was to raise awareness to businesses in terms of what they currently have in terms of IP. Also what is the opportunity cost for not protecting the assets that are valuable

  • IP Strategy Content

    • Once they start realising what they have in terms of valuable IP assets, what can businesses do about it (commercialisation strategy, repurposing IP for different usages, storytelling about IP used in novel manners that generated revenue

  • IP Execution Content

    • What businesses need in order to execute the strategy against business objectives. The different tools that businesses can start leveraging (contracts, trademarks, trade secrets, patents etc.)


Getting started

Rina started off pretty strong with her accountability post that gave early awareness on the fact that she was going to start posting content in her niche. 

That alone built a strong momentum and a sign to start posting. 

Rina’s accountability post

A strong start gave Rina the strength and confidence to keep going and she started to post 2 times a week on average, following the steps of the coaching program. 

Designing visual IP content that stands out

Rina started creating strategic content, leveraging different visual mediums (single posts, carousels, infographics) and built an influence pretty quickly. She also incorporated storytelling around her niche - which ended up being one of her most popular posts.

Her first ever lead after week 3

It took 3 weeks and a handful of posts before Rina generated her first enquiry for IP advice from LinkedIn. 

A significant mindset shift

A transformation started to occur in her mindset. She became more confident, learned to let go of the peer pressure she once had and became more creative in the execution of her content.  

An exponential number of leads 

Although her first lead was generated on week 3, her growth was exponential. After 8 weeks, she generated 8 leads (or an average of 1 lead / week) along with other exciting opportunities

Unexpected opportunities

Her content made a big difference in securing her role in a business accelerator for startups who were looking for someone to teach practical IP issues.

She also generated interest from universities and partnerships from other professionals for collaborations (including brand strategists, designers).

The results


By the end of the program (3 months), Rina: 

  • Doubled her follower count month by month with a qualified audience and reached more people.

  • Doubled her audience size 

  • X6 her lead generation results: from 1 lead after 3 weeks to 1 lead/week after 2 months and 2 leads / week by the end of the program   

  • Increased her conversion rate from leads to clients because of the goodwill and trust she built through her content

  • Walked out of the program with a framework to post strategic content on LinkedIn at scale 

  • Shifted her mindset by letting go of people’s opinions and peer pressure

Rina’s success story is the primary example that it is never too early to start building an online presence.

Strategic execution and focusing on our niche does get us the clients we want to work with in a much shorter period of time than we could have imagined. 

Rina’s full review of the program 

“Simply amazing, best investment I’ve ever made in myself. It propelled my business.”

Sarah is amazing! There is no other word to sum her up. I came across Sarah in 2022 and started following her posts, full of useful stuff about design, but also about her journey into creating a niche for herself in legal design.

I loved her posts and when her course came up, the timing was perfect and I knew I had to jump on board. And I’m so glad that I did! It was the best investment I have ever made in myself.

The course gave me the confidence I needed to post regularly on LinkedIn, and in turn, this helped to propel my IP consultancy business.

I have learnt so much from Sarah, and my growth on LinkedIn has exponentially grown.

I have doubled the number of leads that I was receiving, and have already generated work which has more than paid for Sarah’s course.

Sarah is so generous with her time and in answering questions and providing useful feedback on content ideas.

She has that rare skill in knowing the legal world but also appreciating what businesses want, and is able to combine these effortlessly in always guiding her clients in the right direction.

If you want to escalate your business to the next level, then book on to Sarah’s legal design course. You won’t regret it!
— Rina Sond, IP Solicitor

Inspired? Get in touch today to get started!


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