How to Relate to an Audience Without Sharing a Whole Life Story

Previously, we looked at Problem-Solving Content, giving a quick win to your audience about the problems they face.

In this edition we are looking at the second S of the 4S Method – personal-transformation content aka Stories Content. 

Story content is all about your personal story, the lessons you've learned, the gap between who you used to be and who you are now. Minus the cringe, sob-story effect. 

I often see legal professionals struggling with sharing their personal story on LinkedIn. They get confused and think it is about airing their dirty laundry in public. 

What if I told you that personal content β‰  personal life?

Sharing about you personal story doesn't mean sharing about the details of your personal life. Or not in the way you think it is.

It is about sharing something unique to you, that no one else can replicate. 

Your story has unique touch-points that will connect with your audience. 

For example:

There may be 1,000 lawyers.

  • But only 600 employment lawyers

  • But only 300 employment litigation lawyers

  • But only 150 female employment litigation lawyers

  • But only 75 female employment litigation lawyers who worked on high profile harassment cases

  • But only 20 of them that had to handle media pressure

  • And only 10 of them who trained in PR and public relations to better handle that pressure

  • But only 1 who then left the practice of law to launch her own PR agency specialised in high profile harassment cases

If I look at my own personal differentiators. There may be thousands of LinkedIn trainers / coaches. 

But how many of them are: 

  • Ex in-house counsel (that alone reduces the numbers)

  • French in London

  • Scaled a legal team from scratch

  • Has a commercial and privacy background in tech and life sciences

  • Worked in legal technology

  • Passionate about design and visualisation

  • Studied graphic design, sales and marketing

  • Built a legal audience from scratch as a lawyer with 0 skills

  • Got scammed when first arriving in London with a fake internship

Why is Personal Transformation Content important?

My client base essentially buys from me over other LinkedIn coaches / trainers because of these characteristics (once they trust my capacity to deliver).

They can relate to my personal transformation and values.

You probably signed up to this newsletter because of one of them too.

People can pick you over your competition because of that one story you shared on a Friday morning on LinkedIn.

Stories act as a powerful differentiator.

Finally, you may have one trait in common with someone that can make all the difference.

Your yesterday's version of yourself could be today's reality for someone else.

Every time I share about my journey, I see a change in the way my audience interacts with me. These stories get mentioned in calls, in private messages, and sometimes they can be a decision-factor.

I received a recent instruction from a Top 10 UK Law firm on the basis of my journey as a solopreneur. They picked me to support a woman in entrepreneurship.

This, is the power of Story Content.

And it does not have to be cringe, you do not have to put selfies, you do not have to overshare if sharing anything sensitive at all.

You're in control.

What do I post then?

These are some types of stories content you can create:

Your transformation / Growth journey
These are your personal stories: 

  • How you went from A to B in your career.

  • How you have changed the way you work.

  • What changes you have implemented along the way.

Advice to past self / Reflections

  • These are easy-to-implement nuggets of knowledge you wish you had, when you faced a challenge.

  • How you would now approach a situation you faced in the past with the knowledge you have.

For example:

(DATE) + (original situation, problem you had) 

(ideally where your ideal client is now)

List relatable pain

CURRENT DATE + (where you are today)

(ideally where your ideal audience wants to be)

List dream outcomes

CTA: inspirational + ask for a follow and hit πŸ””

For example; If I was an ex in-house counsel turned career coach for in-house lawyers, the post would look like this:

In 2018, I was a burnt out in-house counsel

  • I was working 70+ hours a week

  • I redlined contracts every day

  • I did not want to go out

  • I'd stay in bed until 12 PM every day

Life sucked, I was unfulfilled

2023, I am business owner. I help in-house counsels leaving the in-house practice and enjoy fulfilling careers outside the law: 

  • I am loving life

  • I am working with clients I enjoy

  • I am picking my hours and projects

  • I am making more money than ever before

You'll only miss the shots you don't take, put the steps in motion to succeed.

You have so many skills to offer as an in-house counsel. Keep this in mind. 

I am a career coach helping burnt out in-house counsels build a fulfilling career outside the practice of law. 

If you resonate with my story, follow me and hit the πŸ””

Why it works

It gives the reader something to relate to

They may be in that situation right now, wanting to be where the coach is 

It shows a transformation and dream outcome

It makes it inspirational and achievable for them as well

It reinforces the trust 

This particular coach has been through a similar journey, they must know how it feels and how they can best support

So who will they be turning to, for similar outcomes? Yes, you got it. 

That is the power of story content.  

So, what’s next?

Okay, dear legal friend. You might guess what happens next. I'd like you to give it a go.

Write your story content, and post it on LinkedIn.

You can get inspiration from the template I shared above. 

I'm looking forward to seeing your journey unfold on LinkedIn! People need to witness your amazing transformation.

– Sarah


How to Generate High-Quality Leads


How to Grow a High Quality Audience on LinkedIn