How to Generate High-Quality Leads

In the previous post, we looked at Personal Transformation aka Story Content, giving your audience a way to relate to you through your journey.

In this edition we are looking at the third S of the 4S Method – personal-transformation content aka Success Content.

I often see legal professionals struggling with success content, for opposite reasons.

#1 they fear being too salesy. 

So they never end up talking about what they do, how they help, the results they give.  

So much so that no one knows what they actually do.

They assume people will simply come to them because they're active and posting useful stuff. 

Except, people are lazy and want a quick way forward.

They don't go for the ‘the most useful person’ , they go for the top-of-mind person who can solve their problem.

They'll go for that one person who mentioned they solve a problem they're currently having.

#2 (opposite!) mistake: They're being salesy and off-putting.

Am I contradicting myself?


The reality is that legal professionals think of self-promotion as (mostly) talking about their awards, rankings.

(Quite timely given that it is directories season).

Don't get me wrong, these things help with building credibility. They're great assets. 

But if you just say 'I am an award-winning lawyer in X".

I am asking you, where is the proof?

You just tell, don't show. That's the problem. 

The proof is what your audience needs to see.

Proof is what Success Content is here for. 

Why Success Content for lead generation?

One simple reason why success content works so well is that it increases the likelihood of achievement.

You allow people to project themselves, what the future could look like.

You make it realistic to achieve.

Which means it is easy for someone to reach out to you rather than someone else.

Success content is not about you bragging (which is the limit of these awards-winning stuff)

It is about backing, with tangible data, why people should work with you. You deliver outcomes.

The laziest form of success content is a testimonial, and it has its place.

But the real gems are hidden in your clients stories.

Where were they when they reached out?
Where are they now?
What happened in between?
What did you do to make it happen?
What did you not do?

Sharing the entire journey will build more trust, reassurance in your prospects.

Because they can see the behind the scenes, and like what they saw.

What happens when they do and have a similar problem? They will reach out, my friend.

How to write success content

These are few types of success content you can make:

Client transformation / Client growth journey
These are your clients' stories: 

  • How you helped a client to get from A to B.

  • How working with you changed the way your client works now.

  • What changes you have implemented for your client, and how does that look in their day-to-day.

Client transformation in numbers

  • These are the quantifiable outcomes you delivered for your clients (e.g. how much time/money you have saved etc.)

  • What other tangible benefits (e.g. savings, relief, more personal time) has your client gained over time after working  with you .

Here is a template you can use:

How my client went from X to Y (metric) in X (timeline) without (pain, cost, sacrifice)

Describe painful original situation 

(that your audience can relate to)

Describe what you did not do 

(that would otherwise make it less achievable)

Explain your process and steps you did

Are you ready to achieve these results too? DM Me and let's chat

If I was a dispute resolution lawyer, I would write a post looking like this:

How my business owner client saved 100K in legal fees in 7 days (without spending hours negotiating). 

My client was being sued for not delivering 1M+ worth of products. The client was pretty angry and ready to talk court.

Except, the client did not have a clean plate. They stopped paying, did not pay on time amongst other things.

This is what we did to make the problem go away and settle for good:
1. We gathered all the dirty laundry from their client 
2. We summed up all the things they did not do 
3. We built a dirty laundry basket to justify why my client did not deliver 

One letter, 7 days later: their client accepts to discuss.

We settle the case and fix the problems. 

Why am I sharing this? 

There is always a way to fix a problem without paying high legal fees. Talking to a lawyer before you're sued will always cost you far less than after. 

Are you struggling with a client dispute? DM me and let's see if we can work together ✉️

Why it works?

Your prospects can relate

They might be currently dealing with a similar problem

It shows a clear outcome and path to get there

It has a timeline, a sum and a step-by-step process.

Who will they reach out, when they are faced with a similar challenge?

Yes, you'll be the one they will call.

That is the power of success content.

Well, what comes next?

Alright, dear legal friend. You must know what comes next. I'd like you to give it a try.

Create your success content post, and post it on LinkedIn. 

You can get inspiration from the template I shared above.

I’m excited to see what you will create!

– Sarah


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How to Relate to an Audience Without Sharing a Whole Life Story