Become the Only Choice on LinkedIn

In the previous edition, we tackled Client Success Stories, understanding how you can best write success content to generate leads.

In today's edition we are looking at the last S of the 4S Method – behind-the-scenes content aka Scenes Content. 

Often people think of these are selfies from behind the desk, or you at a working event. But there is so much more to it. 

A common mistake I see with legal professionals is not sharing behind-the -scenes content at all.

Why? Because they don't believe it matters.

There is a lot of gold in sharing how you think,  why you think that way, how you work and how you don't.

Between you and your competition, the behind-the-scenes is what sets you apart.

Why is Behind-the-Scenes Content important?

Two words: Attract and Repel.

You attract an audience  who like how you do things, the way you think.

They perhaps think the same, and would like work with someone who works in a way that aligns with them.

But you're also repelling the wrong people.  The people that don't get why you do what you to, why you charge what you charge. 

BTS Content gives you more of the right people, and repels  the ones that do not align with your thinking and would be a waste of time anyway. 

One of my clients, Michelle is an Employment Partner and serves HR departments of big organisations. 

Her most popular piece of content wasn't about employment updates. 

It was her opinions on performance reviews and why she thought they were a waste of time and what to do instead for talent retention.

It resonated with hundreds of her ideal clients who connected with her as a result of that single post.

What can you post then?

Here are some examples of what BTS content looks like.

Fears / Misconceptions
You can post content that tackes what you believe are the common mistakes, misconceptions that your audience have in your niche.   

For example: 

  • “Legal advice is expensive”. 

  • “Going to court is pointless”. 

  • “Legal Tech will solve all my problems”. 

VS / Comparisons

This is content that highlights how to best compare solutions and alternatives, from your perspective. 

  • Should you go to court or settle?

  • Should you invest in legal ops or legal tech?

A template you can use:

*(Express your audience spoken objections)*

{Address your audience fear} 

{Solve their objection by educating them why it’s not the right way of thinking and how you can solve it}

For instance, a BTS post for someone addressing fears in litigation could look  like this:

Don't listen to people saying that going to court is expensive. 

"It is expensive, will last forever"

This is simply not true. 

Yes, the process of going ALL THE WAY to court is expensive and costly. 

But you can sue someone and then drop it if you come in terms with them.

For 1% of the entire process cost, you're showing that you're serious and on the other side, they start freaking out. 

2h of legal fees + the court admin costs = x10 your chances of getting your issue sorted.

Why it works?

It calls out a common fear from the audience

Which gets their attention 

It shows a new way of thinking 

They realise there could be a better way 

It establishes trust 

They can see through your opinion. What you think. 

And just like that, you've made yourself the only choice. 

That is the power of scenes content.  

What happens now?

Alright, dear legal friend. You know the drill – now is your turn. Give it a go!

I hope you enjoyed this series.



How to Generate High-Quality Leads