How to Grow a High Quality Audience on LinkedIn

In this post, we will be covering the first S of the 4S Method, problem-solving content. 

Problem-solving content is all about How To's, Step-by-Step guides and generally speaking educational content that your audience should know.

Now there is a catch to this: 

A common mistake is to think about educational content as things you think your audience should know. Which leads to you making tons of assumptions about what you audience needs to see.

Good educational content  is about posting about the problems your audience actually have, not what you think they have. 

A typical example of educational content done wrong is: 

“3 types of contracts you need for your startup” 

Here is why it is wrong: 

  • You lead by the assumption that they need contracts

  • Each startup has different contract needs depending on where they are in their journey

  • You lead by a pre-defined solution rather than calling out the problem

A better way to frame it would be:

“How To Get Paid On Time, Every Time if You Are a Newly Formed UK MedTech Startup”

Now you:

  • Lead by an actual problem your audience may have

  • Speak to a particular type of startups, the Medtech companies newly created

  • Do not offer a contract as a cookie cutter solution by assuming this is what they need

Why is Problem Solving Content important?

Problem solving content is key to start building an audience. People follow those who they believe can solve their problems. 

And you can only do that if you share valuable information that demonstrates that you're the go-to.

Beyond just building an audience. Expertise commands a premium. 

You can charge more based the perception that people have of you. 

If they see you as an expert, they'll assume that it comes at a cost. 

If you're being contacted for a speaking engagement because of your perceived value on the topic, it can get you paid. 

The list goes on.. 

Whether you

  • run your own business

  • are employed as a subject matter expert 

  • are aspiring to partnership or are a newly promoted partner in a firm 

Becoming a go-to is possible by putting out Solving content.

What should you post then?

These are some types of problem solving content you can create:

Guides / Framework
These are your personal frameworks for solving problems and delivering outcomes. If you are a CLM Consultant, you may have developed a way to roll out the solution in a particular timeline. Sharing some of the steps in-house legal teams can start doing can be a great way to get them engaged in your way of approaching things.

Tips / Hacks 
These are the low hanging fruits that your audience can do themselves. Such as downloading a template from a reputable source. 

For example, a Tip post would follow this structure:

1 tip that helped (me, my client) (dream outcome your ideal audience wants)

– Tip (Detail the tip) 

Key takeaway 

Ask a question relating to it

This put into practice would look something like this:

1 thing that got my client's SaaS contract signed in 15 days: 

  • Start with a contract that is acceptable in the first place. 

That is: 

  • reasonable payment terms (>30 days is never accepted from experience)

  • no right for the SaaS company to suspend access to the platform whenever they feel like it (give your client a 7 days warning via email at least)

Trade fairly, see your business grow. 

How are you doing business?  

Enjoyed this? Follow me for more contract tips that grow your business! 

Hit the 🔔 – @ your name You'll get notified on my next post 

Why it works?

It leads by a dream outcome for a SaaS company

Getting the contract signed in quickly

It is tied to a timeline

It makes it possible, realistic and increases the likelihood of achievement 

It provides steps they can do themselves

Checking their payment terms, include some warning before suspension 

You've given them something to think about and action for something they really want: faster contracts signature.

Guess who they'll be calling next time they have a contract that need a quick turnaround? You got it. 

This is the power of solving content.  

What happens next?

Alright, now it is your turn. 

Create a problem solving content post, and post it on LinkedIn. 

You can make one based on the template I've just given you. 

I hope to see many of you posting on LinkedIn in this year!
Your value deserves to be known. 

Law school does not teach you how to build and monetise your profile, but I do. 



How to Relate to an Audience Without Sharing a Whole Life Story


What You Should Post on LinkedIn